Hurrah Dollars Are Now Flowing Almost Normally Again

Without looking at inflation-adapted prices it is difficult to meet where gasoline prices actually stand. Back in 1918 gasoline was $0.25 a gallon and by 1932 prices had fallen to 18 cents a gallon! Only as we all know over the last 100 years the purchasing power of the dollar has fallen drastically. So, in order to go the true movie, we tin't just say that the everyman price of gas was xviii cents per gallon, we need to adjust the price for aggrandizement. When adjusting for inflation there are two prices… the showtime is chosen the "nominal price" and that is the bodily toll you would have paid for gas at the pump i.east. xviii cents. The key toll though is the inflation-adapted toll which calculates what the price would take been if we were spending current dollars on a previous date. In this case, we are basing our calculations on the value of a dollar in February 2022.

Time Traveling deLoreanIn other words, imagine taking today's dollars and jumping into a fourth dimension-traveling DeLorean and going back to a specific date in time. Equally you travel back in fourth dimension, each dollar yous bring with you shrinks based on the equivalent purchasing ability of that time.  The inflation-adjusted price (aka. the cost in "existent dollars") is how much y'all would take to pay back and so, using the weakened purchasing ability of today's dollar. And then if overall prices take doubled in the last ten years it would take 2 inflation-adjusted dollars to buy something that but cost one dollar, 10 years ago.

Everyman Inflation-Adjusted Price of Gasoline–
$1.77 in 1998

Engagement Inflation-Adjusted Lows
1931 $three.17
1947 $2.93
1972 $two.44
1998 $1.77
2009 $3.05
2016 $2.45
2020 $two.27

Looking at the table higher up information technology is interesting to note that both 1972 and 2016 bottomed at roughly the same inflation-adjusted toll even though the nominal price was drastically different.

If we look at the chart below we see that in aggrandizement-adapted terms, the first depression occurred in 1931 as nominal prices fell from 30 cents a gallon in 1920 to 17 cents in 1931. Thus in eleven years prices fell 43%. Merely nosotros accept to recall that 1931 was the beginning of the "Great Low" and overall prices savage 24% during the same period. As we can see gasoline prices fell much more than prices in general in the early portion. It is noteworthy that in 2016 prices for gasoline on an inflation-adjusted basis are actually much lower than they were during the Great Depression.

Since 2016, prices have ticked upward a bit merely then made another lesser in 2020. Although as of this writing gas prices are over $4/gallon the average for the year is "only" $3.36 (but information technology is notwithstanding early).

Inflation Adjusted Gasoline Prices

Click for Larger Image

Gasoline in the Great Depression

During the rest of the 1930s inflation-adapted prices rose to the equivalent of $4.02/gallon in 1938 with the nominal price of 20 cents a gallon. The rise in aggrandizement-adjusted prices is actually due to overall deflation making the adjusted price look college even though the nominal price remained the same. In 1929, gas was 20 cents a gallon and information technology fell to 17 cents a gallon in 1931 before climbing back to 20 cents a gallon.

Gasoline Prices in the 1940s -50s

In 1940, nominal prices dipped back to 18 cents a gallon bringing the aggrandizement-adjusted price downward to $3.65. From at that place, gasoline prices actually rose only inflation rose faster due to WWII and then the aggrandizement-adjusted cost of gas appeared to fall but due to war-time rationing gasoline was not always available. The next bottom occurred in 1947 equally inflation-adapted prices had fallen to $2.93, with nominal prices back upwards to 1926 levels of 23 cents a gallon.

By 1949, just two years later, nominal prices had climbed to 27 cents a gallon (a 17% increase) and inflation-adapted prices were $3.22/gal. From 1950 through 1959 nominal gas prices climbed from 27 cents a gallon to 30 cents a gallon with a brief stop at 31 cents a gallon in 1957. Simply over the aforementioned catamenia, overall aggrandizement climbed faster so the inflation-adjusted price actually fell from $iii.xviii in 1950 to $2.92 in 1959.

Gasoline Prices in the 1960s -70s

From 1960 through 1965 nominal gas prices bounced betwixt thirty and 31 cents a gallon while the inflation-adjusted price fell from $2.97 to $ii.79. But then the nominal price of gas started to climb and by 1970 had increased 20% to 36 cents a gallon but on an inflation-adjusted basis, gas prices had actually fallen to $two.63. And by 1972 gas on an inflation-adjusted basis was a real bargain at $2.44 a gallon.

At this bespeak, OPEC felt they were being cheated as the value of the dollars they were receiving were becoming worth less and less. And so they started squeezing prices, which drove nominal prices in 1981 up to $one.35 and inflation-adjusted prices up to $4.21. Note that this toll was higher than the price during 1934 and 38 simply below the 1918 price.

From there nominal prices fell moderately over the adjacent 17 years and inflation itself moderated falling from 13.5% in 1980 to i.86% in 1986 and so increasing to four.82% in 1989.  This resulted in drastically cheaper gas on an inflation-adjusted basis with the everyman recorded inflation-adjusted toll for gas occurring in 1998 at $ane.77 per gallon.

In 1998, overall toll aggrandizement made it look like gasoline prices were rising, so most people didn't realize that gas was actually cheap on a historical basis. But they knew it intuitively since a smaller portion of their budget was going toward gasoline. In fact, gas had gotten really inexpensive by historical standards allowing people to purchase gas guzzlers like SUV's and Hummers.

Gas Price Peaks

Date Inflation-Adjusted Highs
1918 $4.lxx
1934 $3.35
1938 $iv.02
1981 $4.21
2008 $4.24
2012 $4.39

Note: Think these are almanac average prices for regular "conventional" motor fuel. Some states require "reformulated" fuel which would toll more than. Some states also impose higher than average taxes on gasoline and then prices volition be college in those states. Likewise, Mid-grade and Premium fuel volition also cost more than. Plus since these are "almanac average" prices, half of the year prices will be higher and one-half the year prices will be lower (sometimes with considerable variation over the 12 months).

On an annual boilerplate inflation-adjusted ground, gasoline prices have tended to peak in the same range over the entire 96-yr price history. Back in 1918 as gasoline was only entering commercial production prices were at their acme at $four.70 but every bit refining capacity improved prices began to fall (in both nominal and aggrandizement-adjusted terms).

In the early 1930s demand for gas roughshod and so did prices but as overall deflation took hold the inflation-adjusted cost peaked at $4.02 in 1934 & 1938.

The side by side peak occurred during the mid-1930s and then there was a long period of relatively low gas prices then the rapid increase in the late 1970s was a major (and somewhat bogus) shock to most people who saw nominal prices rocket above $1.00/gal. for the first fourth dimension ever. Most did not realize that on an inflation-adjusted basis the last time prices were this high was during the Great Depression (not that the thought would accept brought much comfort).

Recent Gas Cost Action

Over the adjacent 20 years, people in the U.s. once once again got used to low gasoline prices. And then from 2002 to 2008 prices for gas once once more climbed to previous superlative levels on an aggrandizement-adapted basis. From in that location the stock market crash brought some relief in gas prices as virtually everything savage in price. Merely relief did non last long and by 2012 gas prices were over again at height levels.

In late 2014, OPEC started a "price war" in response to the United states of america' increased production due to fracking and prices have fallen drastically since then. In 2016, prices savage below the 1931, 1947, and 1972 lows. In the post-obit years, increased production due to fracking allowed the U.S. to go energy independent and the biggest oil and natural gas producer on the planet. An interesting article past NPR: How An Engineer's Drastic Experiment Created Fracking.

On his first day in office, Joe Biden halted completion of the Keystone XL pipeline via Executive Order. Ironically, the Keystone XL would have been the world'sfirst zero-emission energy pipeline. Simultaneously, he placed a "temporary" ban on drilling in ANWR which would have increased the apply of the Alaskan pipeline. His Executive Club as well halted energy development on federal country and shut downwards the eighty million-acre oil lease auction putting the Louisiana oil and gas industry in danger. So with the stroke of a pen, he eliminated U.S. energy independence.

The obvious consequence has been skyrocketing gas prices.

The average inflation-adjusted gasoline price since 1918 in "Feb 2022 dollars" is $3.14 and so whenever inflation-adjusted gasoline prices were above $3.fourteen they were "high" and whenever prices were below $3.14 they were "low". From the tabular array below we can see that 2014 had above-average prices, then every year through 2021 gasoline prices have been "below average".

Twelvemonth Nominal Cost

Inflation- adapted Toll

2014 $3.30 $3.95
2015 $ii.33 $2.79
2016 $ii.07 $2.45
2017 $ii.33 $2.70
2018 $2.63 $two.97
2019 $2.50 $2.78
2020 $2.58 $2.27
2021 $2.91 $iii.04
2022  (Partial Yr) $3.35 $three.36


Gasoline Price Trends Feb 2022

When we look at gas prices from our own personal perspective we just meet a pocket-sized window of iv or v years at near. Rarely practise we fifty-fifty consider a 10-yr time frame. Therefore, we might assume that gas prices "e'er get upward." But if we expect at the big picture in inflation-adapted terms we volition get quite a different picture, as we tin meet from the chart above. Yep, the black "nominal toll" was continually ascension through virtually 2006 simply even in nominal terms from 2012 through 2021, we've seen a pretty significant refuse.

If we look at gas in inflation-adjusted terms, except for a few curt-term spikes, information technology was actually trending downward from 1918 through 1972. Which is to say that the toll of living based on other things increased in price more than than gasoline over that catamenia. From 1972 through 1981 prices moved up sharply, and by 1980-81 anybody was suffering from sticker stupor equally nominal gas prices rose above $1.00 for the starting time fourth dimension but then it connected its downwards tendency.

From 1970-1980 gasoline regained almost all it had lost over the previous fifty years due to the Arab oil embargo.  Then from 1980 – 2000 gasoline fell to new lows on an inflation-adapted basis. Only from 2000-2006 gasoline caught back up with other prices and was back where information technology was in 1918. Then the 2008 recession hit and globe-broad need slowed and prices roughshod sharply but quickly rebounded with fears of "meridian oil".

But then technological improvements due to hydraulic fracking allowed the price to drop both in nominal and inflation-adjusted terms, although overproduction caused a reversal in 2016. Since then the industry has leveled out and prices have stabilized. Over the longest term, nosotros can run across that the linear regression line has really been trending down since 1918.


Average Nominal
Gasoline Cost/Gal

Aggrandizement Adapted Gas Prices
Adj. for Feb 2022
1918 $0.25 $four.lxx
1919 $0.25 $four.x
1920 $0.30 $iv.26
1921 $0.26 $four.12
1922 $0.25 $4.22
1923 $0.22 $3.65
1924 $0.21 $three.48
1925 $0.22 $three.57
1926 $0.23 $3.69
1927 $0.21 $3.42
1928 $0.21 $3.48
1929 $0.21 $three.48
1930 $0.twenty $three.twoscore
1931 $0.17 $3.17
1932 $0.18 $iii.73
1933 $0.xviii $three.93
1934 $0.nineteen $4.02
1935 $0.19 $3.93
1936 $0.19 $3.88
1937 $0.twenty $iii.94
1938 $0.20 $4.02
1939 $0.xix $3.88
1940 $0.18 $iii.65
1941 $0.nineteen $3.67
1942 $0.20 $iii.48
1943 $0.21 $3.44
1944 $0.21 $3.39
1945 $0.21 $3.31
1946 $0.21 $3.06
1947 $0.23 $2.93
1948 $0.26 $3.06
1949 $0.27 $3.22
1950 $0.27 $3.18
1951 $0.27 $2.95
1952 $0.27 $2.89
1953 $0.29 $iii.08
1954 $0.29 $iii.06
1955 $0.29 $iii.07
1956 $0.thirty $3.thirteen
1957 $0.31 $iii.13
1958 $0.30 $two.95
1959 $ $ii.92
1960 $0.31 $2.97
1961 $0.31 $2.94
1962 $0.31 $2.91
1963 $0.30 $ii.78
1964 $0.30 $ii.75
1965 $0.31 $2.79
1966 $0.32 $2.eighty
1967 $0.33 $two.80
1968 $0.34 $2.77
1969 $0.35 $two.71
1970 $0.36 $2.63
1971 $0.36 $2.52
1972 $0.36 $two.44
1973 $0.39 $ii.49
1974 $0.53 $iii.05
1975 $0.57 $3.01
1976 $0.lx $ii.99
1977 $0.64 $3.00
1978 $0.65 $2.83
1979 $0.88 $3.44
1980 $1.22 $iv.xx
1981 $one.35 $4.21
1982 $ane.28 $3.76
1983 $1.23 $3.50
1984 $i.xx $iii.28
1985 $1.twenty $iii.sixteen
1986 $0.93 $2.41
1987 $0.96 $2.xl
1988 $0.96 $
1989 $i.06 $ii.43
1990 $one.12 $two.43
1991 $i.x $2.30
1992 $1.09 $2.20
1993 $1.07 $ii.10
1994 $ane.07 $2.05
1995 $ane.10 $2.05
1996 $i.nineteen $ii.sixteen
1997 $ane.19 $two.10
1998 $1.02 $i.77
1999 $i.12 $1.xc
2000 $1.46 $2.41
2001 $1.39 $2.23
2002 $i.31 $two.06
2003 $1.51 $2.33
2004 $1.81 $two.72
2005 $2.24 $3.25
2006 $2.53 $3.56
2007 $2.77 $iii.79
2008 $3.22 $4.24
2009 $2.31 $3.05
2010 $2.74 $3.57
2011 $3.48 $4.38
2012 $3.55 $4.39
2013 $three.44 $four.19
2014 $3.30 $3.95
2015 $2.33 $2.79
2016 $2.07 $2.45
2017 $2.33 $2.70
2018 $2.63 $2.97
2019 $2.50 $2.78
2020 $2.07 $ii.27
2021 $2.91 $three.04
2022 $iii.35 $3.36

Information Sources:

  • Historical Gas prices-
  • AAA Gas Prices
  • Consumer Price Index

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